CQ Successes


Pat - quit smoking on May 25th 1998
   "All I can say about cognitivequitting is that it makes total sense to me, and it gave me the tools to once and for all, sever my ties to an addiction that was literally stealing my breath away. Not only did this method help me to understand the connections between smoking and life but it has handed me my life back. ..."   more


Pam - quit smoking February 24, 2001
   "I decided one day to try out a quit smoking chat room at one of the quit smoking venues I'd visited. The first person I met in there was Steve. I remember he asked me some searching questions about my reasons for smoking, and why I lit up. He got me thinking very differently, and more deeply, about my smoking behavior. When I read the articles on his website, I knew that I'd finally found the answers I had been seeking. ..."   more


Judy - quit smoking December 6, 2004
   "And this is the main difference between the Cognitive Quitting method and any other quit smoking method. There is no Demon.There is no inner conflict. There is no battle at all. There is no "hanging on". Let me explain..."   more


June 18, 2005
My name is Garfield Harvey, I’m a respiratory therapist from Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.   I want to congratulate you on providing such an intriguing point of view regarding smoking cessation. ..."   more


Louise - quit smoking November 8, 2006
   "I'm so glad to have this chance to tell you about my experience with Steve's Cognitivequitting Program. I found it to be a very different way to quit smoking. It worked for me. After over 35 years of smoking,..."   more


Cynthia aka Citychick- quit smoking March 3, 2009
   "After smoking for close to fifty years, my initial reasoning for stopping was at best a little off to the left, I stopped smoking because I wanted to gain weight....The delusion that since I had been in a 12step recovery program for over 26 years, would make this a piece of cake ,was quickly shattered..."   more


Julie aka Fitforlife2010 - quit smoking January 29, 2010
    "I spent my entire adult life fighting my addiction to nicotine. I quit for years, only to capitulate to what felt like "need". I remained a "smoker" in my mind, and any excuse in my life would send me right back..."   more