Cognitivequitting Mantra
lungs need air not smoke.
My muscles need stretching not cigarettes.
My stomach needs nourishment not nicotine.
My brain needs stimulation not a stimulant. |
Nicotine withdrawal/recovery symptomes
reduction in overall nicotine level, whether by smoking
fewer cigarettes in a day or by using a different nicotine
delivery system i.e. nicotine patches, gum, inhalers,
or lozenges, will usually result in the onset of nicotine
withdrawal symptoms. The most intense of these symptoms
typically last 3 - 14 days with a good deal of personal
Links A collection
of links to useful and relevant material on a wide range of
topics related to smoking cessation.
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Stephen Polansky All rights reserved.
No part of this site may be copied, without prior permission
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